Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Weak sauce Ocean

Threat averted

Do you want to be dead right now? 

Sam "Kind of"


Linberger cheese


Wend don't even look while Rachel was climbing on rocks unsafely


"If my getting pushed down by mom is funny you're tripping is hilarious"

Does it really show?

"Hi Utards"

It's a Runner

"Yes you'll have the keys and can take the car and drive away."

Follow the cops back home

"Wait wouldn't the cops be home then?"

Underwear offences and Kidnapper vans

"I deserve these underwear"

We went to change out of are swimsuits after swimming in the ocean. Well in the bathroom Andy looks out and just goes “I forgot my underwear.” And on our way back we saw them on the side of the road where he’d dropped them. He ran up to them and stuffed it up his shirt to hide it. Sam

Don’t scream or people will think your being kidnapped because we’re in a kidnapper van